Albania will use ChatGPT to accelerate European integration legislative changes.

The Government of Albania decided to use ChatGPT (a chatbot with artificial intelligence developed by the OpenAI laboratory) to translate a huge array of legislation and regulations of the European Union and related analytics (about 280,000 pages) in the Albanian language, which should contribute to faster adaptation of national legislation to European legislation.

The country’s government has already signed a corresponding cooperation agreement with the executive director of OpenAI’s parent company, Mira Murati, who is originally from Albania.

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama said it would eliminate “an army of translators and a battalion of lawyers worth millions of euros” and speed up the process. 

The Prime Minister also said that Mira Murati initially took his offer of cooperation as a joke, but later agreed and a joint working group was created between the company and the National Agency for Information Society AKSHI. 

The Prime Minister of Albania said that he will present this project at the EU summit in Brussels on December 13.

Albania applied for EU membership in 2009, and since 2014 is a candidate country for joining the European Union. 

Greece recently threatened to block the next stages of talks with Albania over the jailing of ethnic Greek Fredi Beleri, who was suspected of buying votes ahead of local elections in 2023. Albania’s membership in the EU is supported by 97% of the population. 

Albania wants to accelerate its accession to the EU with the help of ChatGPT