Now the old center of Elbasan is represented by the Castle District (Kala), where you can still admire the old city walls built on the ruins of Roman and Byzantine fortifications by the sovereign Osman Mehmet II, who founded the city of Eli Bashan (“I raised my hand”). In 2003, a project to rebuild the old fortress was started and it has now been successfully completed and has returned to the former city walls. You can see the corner towers guarding the perimeter, as well as the curtain towers and the fortified entrance.

Inside the fortress you can visit the 15th-century Royal Mosque, the Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin built in 1650 and the Byzantine church. The city is one of the cultural capitals of Albania and is home to several museums.

Elbasan Museum

North of the fortress, in the house where Alexander Giovanni was born and raised, there is a museum dedicated to him: he was very active in politics, culture, language and education, he became one of the figures of the Albanian national revival. Also in the center of the 18th-century building is the Ethnographic Museum, established in 1982, which protects the archaeological heritage of the Elbasan houses. Finally, Albanian education is presented and glorified by the School Museum.

Scampa Theater is also a good reason to see concerts and theater performances depending on the season.

How to get to Elbasan?

Getting to Elbasan is not difficult: the city is about 30 minutes drive from Tirana, which can be reached by car or bus. Be careful because the road is narrow and winding. If you suffer from motion sickness, it may be better to drive your rental car. However, the new motorway is under construction and mostly completed, which will cut the journey to just 20 minutes.