Visiting Albania is an enriching and rewarding experience and we look forward to introducing you to this new Mediterranean love.

Therefore, we strive to ensure that your stay is as healthy and comfortable as possible. Albanians have a long tradition of hospitality and you will find that the people of our country will quickly respond to any request for help. So if you have any questions, please ask! Since the region is warm during the summer months, remember to drink plenty of fluids while you are here. Bottled water is widely available and at a low price.

Driving in Albania presents visitors with a unique set of challenges. Infrastructure development has been in full swing since the country’s exit from communism, but it may still be difficult for drivers to navigate our roads. Therefore, we recommend taking a taxi or a bus. Local transport offers you a hassle-free way to enjoy the views while listening to our professional drivers delight you with tales of life in Albania. This is if you want to get a feel for the country in peace and connect with the locals as public transport is quite slow. If you would like to see more than a few days, hire a local guide and driver from Tourist Online prior to your arrival.

As with any international holiday, be sure to check with your embassy or consulate for information that may be specific to you during your visit to Albania. Checking that you have a visa (if needed), prepared medical insurance and other documentation will ensure that your visit to our country will be excellent.

In an emergency, call the toll-free numbers:

National Emergency Center: 112

National Police: 129

Emergency Hospital: 127

Street Patrol Police: 126

Fire department: 128