Albania is still not a sufficiently developed tourist destination, therefore, for a large number of our compatriots, this country is generally a mystery. Well, since there is still a lack of truthful information, even the most real facts about the life of this country are immediately overgrown with an invariable number of all sorts of legends and misconceptions that have long since lost their relevance.

For example, some Russians generally consider this country dangerous to visit due to the fact that its territory is allegedly controlled by paramilitary groups. The fact is that in the early nineties of the last century, chaos really reigned in Albania for some time, but this crisis has long since been overcome, and now everything is more or less calm here.

Also, do not think that Albania is an exclusively Muslim country and does not like non-Christians here. In fact, there is no official religion in Albania and it is a completely secular state.

By the way, that part of the population of this country, which considers itself Muslim, is no more than 60% of the total population. At the same time, all the tourists who have already been there note that in all Albanian cities and villages there are also Christian churches along with mosques, and in general there is no religious tension there.

Albania is, of course, a poor country, but since political stability has come here, the economic situation has also begun to improve. Therefore, we can say that there are no more pickpockets here than in other developed countries of Europe, however, vigilance in transport and in the market certainly does not hurt.

In principle, it is quite possible for tourists in Albania to travel quite calmly, but of course it is better not to be alone, and especially for young girls. Albanians are very friendly by nature and are always ready to help – show the way and tell about the sights. Well, the elderly, who still remember the USSR helping Albania, especially respect Russian tourists.

But it is best for your own safety to carefully monitor your belongings in crowded places and, of course, avoid gypsies, who are sometimes very aggressive. Of course, you should change money only in exchange offices or in banks.

Well, it is best to use bottled water for cooking and drinking. It should also be remembered that swimming trunks and swimwear in Albania are appropriate only on the beach and in the pool, and for smoking in public places, the fine is 35 euros.

Is it dangerous now to rest in Albania?