The fact that Albania is a visa-free country cannot be called the main factor for the trip. There are many such countries, but this does not mean anything. In recent years, the flow of tourists to this country has increased markedly, but until now, Albania continues to be a country of mystery, and therefore many tourists ask questions like you.

I can say right away that you should not refuse a trip, the conditions for recreation in the country are not bad (especially natural ones). Tourism infrastructure is gradually developing, but so far it is not at such a high level as in many other tourist countries. In Albania, there are a number of noteworthy resorts that can please tourists with beautiful sandy beaches, ideal conditions for kiting and other extreme entertainment. At the moment, most often the country is visited by Italians, British and Germans.

At the moment, Albania repels many tourists with its military past, but today security in the country is at a fairly high level, hostilities are a thing of the past, the population has disarmed, and the police are keeping order (especially in resort areas). The percentage of thefts, robberies and other property crimes is almost the same as in many other European countries. Do not think that robbers will follow you everywhere. Most of the locals are friendly, especially since Albanians and I share a common socialist past.

Albania also attracts tourists with its low prices, which on average can be compared with the Crimean ones, but in the end it will turn out 10-20% cheaper. For example, a double room in a three-star hotel in the resort town of Durres will cost from 30 euros, and a four-star hotel – from 60 euros. Prices for food in general can be called low, 25-30 euros per person per day (or maybe even less) may well be enough, and this is taking into account food in a cafe, and in the case of self-cooking food, it will turn out even cheaper.

The highlight of the country is the beautiful beaches, which, even in the high season, are hardly half filled with tourists (there are less and less such places in Europe every year). In addition, the country is washed by the waters of two seas at once: the Adriatic and the Ionian.

Should I go on vacation to Albania?