Albania   is an insanely beautiful Balkan country, even smaller than the Odessa region, where the majority of the inhabitants are Muslims, and the big cities still keep communist architecture in themselves. Albania is a country of contrasts, which is washed by two seas at once – the Ionian and the Adriatic, and most of its territory has a hilly and mountainous terrain.

The country of the eagles, as the locals call it, took from neighboring Greece the traditions of cuisine, the nature of the nearest Montenegro and the easy and friendly character of the inhabitants from Macedonia. And yet, let’s talk about   Albanian resorts  !

Resorts of Albania of the Andriatic and Ionian Seas

The territory of Albania is small, but it contains 3 full-fledged beach   resorts  : Durres, Vlora and Saranda, along with Ksamil adjacent to it.


Durres   is the closest resort to the airport on the coast. It is located 35 km or 30-40 minutes from Tirana Airport and is washed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea. Its characteristic feature is the nature of Montenegro, wide sandy beaches and comfortable shallow water, which usually greets tourists with children very much.


Vlora   is 330 km (or 5 hours) from Tivat and 140 km or 2 hours from Tirana. It is here that the Ionian and Adriatic seas merge, forming a stunning blue color of the water. It is better to rest here for those tourists who are looking for relaxation and tranquility.


The resort is located 280 km or 4.5 hours drive from Tirana, but do not be afraid of long journeys. Your transfer will be more like a sightseeing tour of the country, with stops at observation decks and snacks in the most picturesque restaurants. Saranda   is a beautiful country resort, whose nature is more reminiscent of Greece than the Balkans.


Ksamil   is a small village 10 minutes drive from Sarandi. Resting so close, you simply have to go here several times to enjoy the “Albanian Malds” and swim around these charming deserted islands on catamarans.

Why should you go to Albania?

  •     visa-free regime;
  •     direct charters;
  •     short flight;
  •     very tasty and varied local cuisine;
  •     genuine flavor of the country, inviolable by the “standards of resorts”;
  •     one of the cheapest countries in the Balkans;
  •     the nature of the Maldives, Greece and Montenegro in one bottle;
  •     many attractions scattered throughout the country;
  •     excellent beach holiday;
  •     excellent shopping – most of the Italian clothing production is moved to Albania.


The best resorts in Albania