Thermal waters

Albania is endowed with all the treasures that nature has to offer. High and graceful cliffs, beautiful rivers full of beauty, magnificent coastline and everything else that nature bestows with its generosity on humanity. In this respect, Albania is even richer than many other countries in the Balkans, but even further away in Europe. These are fantastic sources of thermal waters, completely natural and rich in countless healing properties for any disease. A golden opportunity for health tourism with a huge curative potential, and above all for foreign tourists. A term not yet known to Albanians, although it is the best way to maintain health, treat various health problems and enjoy the beauties that nature has given to our country. Rich in sulfates and minerals, they have a curative effect on rheumatism,

Elbasan baths from the Roman period to the present day

The wetlands of Elbasan are among the most popular in the country. This is because it is one of the only centers that have been using thermal waters nearby for decades, where health tourism is developing properly. Elbasan sands are well known and used sources from the Roman period. The liquids of Elbasan contain very hot sulfuric waters, which are formed at a depth of about 13,000 meters from the earth’s surface at high pressure and temperature as a result of the fusion of oxygen with hydrogen and other chemicals. Under the influence of high pressure gases, they come to the surface due to cracks in rocks. The analysis of the water of these springs was specially carried out by Czech engineers, who showed a high medicinal value. Treats numerous diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous system, skin,

Permet open baths

Experts consider them the best in Europe. The Benja thermal springs, or as the Benja baths are called, are located 14 kilometers from the southern city of Permet in the municipality of Petran, just 3 kilometers from the confluence of the Vyosa River into the Lengaritsa stream. Their peculiarity is that they are open in nature. The temperature of these waters is 26 – 32°C. Four sources are used for chronic rheumatoid arthritis, the source of stomach diseases and the source of skin diseases. One of the sources is also used to treat stomach ailments and the other to treat the skin. Other ways of treating chronic diseases of remautism. The water temperature ranges from 26 to 32°C. Sulfur-based waters have a very high therapeutic effect.

Thermal waters “Leskovik”.

Otherwise known as the springs of Vronomeros. Located 10 kilometers south of the small town of Leskovik. These are thermal springs rich in different salts that treat different types of diseases. Water temperature 29 – 40°C. It also has a center offering accommodation, medical care and hotel services.

Thermal waters

These lichens originate from the gypsum formations of Mount Korabi. There are two sources of sulfur with a temperature of 35 – 43.5 °C and a flow rate of 14 liters per second. They contain potassium and sulfates. Their influence is fantastically associated with diseases of the respiratory tract: such as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, remautism, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases and gynecological problems.

White Thermal Resources

These springs are located on the national road Vora Fushe Kruja in the village of Belay, near the Gela bridge. They are the closest sources to Tirana. The sources of these thermal waters come from the deposits of the Ishmi valley. These springs are rich in minerals such as calcium, salts, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc. The water temperature is 55 degrees Celsius. These waters can cure remautism, skin problems. and nervous system The best period to visit is related to their location. The most recommended seasons are spring and autumn, but winter and summer are not excluded. The latter is less recommended due to the rise in temperature. Since diseases subject to such treatment are prescribed, you should consult with your doctor which bed to go to. Having learned all about the benefits of the body, health and spiritual well-being, It’s time to think about health tourism and use the unlimited resources of our country’s thermal waters. Albania also offers many spa facilities in major cities such as Tirana, Durres, Vlora, Saranda, etc.