Holidays at sea are a fun and carefree pastime, full of simple, but such pleasant and important joys of life. In order to spend a week or two in an all-inclusive hotel, you don’t need so many clothes and household items. But if you plan to relax as savages or go on your own to exotic countries, the situation will be somewhat different, because such conditions provide for more thorough preparation.

List of things at sea

So, let’s take a closer look at what you should take with you on a trip to the sea. The first tip is not to put off packing your suitcases until the last minute. This greatly increases your chances of forgetting the essentials, and instead imposes things that you might not use at all. Therefore, when it comes to packing your bags at sea, especially if you are traveling with children, spontaneity is your enemy. It would be best to make a list and focus on it.

Make up swimwear and swimming trunks, sunscreen for skin and hair, and an after-sun balm. Decide how many T-shirts, shorts and dresses you will need for your vacation. If you are going to go at the beginning or end of the season, take care of warm clothes, because it can be cool in the evening and at night. Don’t forget hats for all family members.

If you are planning an active excursion program, take care of comfortable shoes.

It would be useful to grab a special pillow for the neck on a plane or bus. So you will make your flight much more comfortable.

If you know that the internet in the hotel is not of the highest quality or even paid, download some good movies on your laptop or tablet in case you want to spend a quiet evening in your room. Movies can also be viewed at the airport or during the flight. Cartoons will help the little members of your family not get bored on the road.

travel items and suitcase

What to take to the sea with children

If you are going on a trip with children, stock up on hygiene products that are familiar to kids. It will not be superfluous to grab a potty to which the child is already accustomed, a non-spill glass. Do not forget about your favorite toys, as well as inflatable circles, mattresses and balls.

The elements of comfort on the road are very important. Therefore, fold up a blanket that you can wrap your baby in during a flight or a ride on an air-conditioned bus.

Please note that children’s clothing should be twice as much as adult clothing. And if at least for an adult – two bathing suits, then for kids – from three or more.

A cooler bag will come in handy, which will protect the freshness of your products during the journey, and also help to store food if there is no refrigerator in the room. To avoid unpleasant surprises while traveling, read about getting travel insurance.

What medicine should be taken at sea

If shampoos, sunscreens, and even clothes can be easily purchased at the resort, then stocking up on essential medicine is worth stocking up.

Here is a sample list of what should be in your first aid kit:

  • antipyretic drugs – paracetamol or ibuprofen;
  • ear and nasal drops, hypertonic saline solution, very effective in the common cold;
  • tablets, sprays for sore throat;
  • expectorants;
  • antiseptics, first aid for cuts, burns, bruises – chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, bandages, plasters, healing creams;
  • enterosorbents in case of indigestion, diarrhea, poisoning, intoxication;
  • remedies for allergies and insect bites;
  • pills for motion sickness on the way;
  • A non-mercury thermometer would be helpful.

Of course, the medicine that your baby takes on an ongoing basis is also important to put in the first aid kit so as not to run around an unfamiliar city in search of the necessary medicine.

What to take to the sea