Life in the city began in the    6th  – 5th centuries BC as an Illyrian settlement    Later, in the 3rd century BC, it was transformed into a castle town known as Antipatrea. Then the castle was expanded, especially during the feudal reign of the Muzakai family. Inside the castle, churches with valuable frescoes and icons were built, as well as a calligraphy school. The unique inhabitants still live within the castle walls. The three main areas of the old city – Mangalemi, Gorizia and Kala, where the castle itself is located.

In Mangalem, beneath the castle, you can see the famous view of the facades of the houses with windows that seem to lie on top of each other. Overall, a traditional house has two floors, the second of which is visible, and has many curved windows and wood carvings. With its houses built on a steep hill, the view of Mangalem makes Berat also known as the city of floating windows.

On the other side of the Osum River lies the Gorizia district, the houses of which tower over the houses of Mangalemi. Built in 1780, the Gorizia Arch Bridge is a beautiful architectural monument built to connect Gorizia with Mangalemi.

The ensemble of Byzantine churches at Berat Castle is unique. At the foot of the castle there is the Byzantine Church of Shen Mehilla (St. Michael) and the Church of Shen Maria e Vlahernes (St. Maria Vlaherna) from the 13th century, the Church of the Triad of Shen (St. Shën Maria Church and many others in the castle).

The Shen City Hall Cathedral houses a museum with works by famous 16th-century icon painters: Onufri and his son Nicolas. Over 100 icons are on display, as well as works by other artists such as Joan Chetiri, Onufer Cypriot, and many anonymous artists.

You can also visit the Shën Spiridhoni Monastery in Gorizia. In 1417 the Ottomans took Berat, and this conquest left its mark on the construction of monuments to the faith of Islam, such as the Xhamia e Kuqe (Red Mosque) inside the castle, Xhamia e Plumbit (1555), Xhamia e Beqarëve (Selibataires Mosque)). ) (1872). .) in the Mangalem district, as well as the Mbret Mosque (King’s Mosque) (16th century) and Halveti Tekke or Tariq in the medieval center. Other places worth visiting include the Ethnographic Museum, located in an 18th-century  porch   , and the art gallery of Edward Lear, the famous English artist who painted most of Berat and Albania. Moreover, Berat is famous for its traditional dishes. You should try specialties such as Pula  first taste  çorba e tomorrit    in local restaurants. The Holy Mountain of Tomorr is also worth visiting.